We Turn Back the Clock on Cloud Solutions.

Are the hyperscale cloud platforms too expensive and complex for you?

ADTAQ provides a fast, easy, and affordable alternative; like it used to be.

Excellent 4.5 out of 5

ADTAQSTORAGE 2$20.00IncludedIncluded$20.00

Just a VPS, thanks.

Maybe we're wrong, but we believe that not everyone needs API driven geo-diverse fault tolerant auto-scaling k8s delivered from the edge via a reverse caching proxy leveraging AI powered lowest RTT routing technology.

And if that's the case, why pay more for it?

Maximize Value

The sheer size of hyperscale cloud companies leads many to assume they offer the best value for the money. If price is the most important factor, wouldn't the Walmarts of the cloud world be the cheapest?

Contrary to popular belief, "the cloud" has never been less expensive than traditional hosting options, be it virtual servers, dedicated servers, or colocation. In fact, it was never intended to be a better value.

Instead, the strength of the hyperscale cloud lies in its abilty to grow and retract depending on the requirements of any given moment in time.

This is really cool, and if you are a corporation with a big IT budget, it might be worth paying more for. However, if you are just a technology enthusiast or small business owner without an entire IT staff to build and manage such a solution, it's probably not.

Artisan Virtual Servers

ADTAQ is the anti-Walmart in the VPS space. We don't have multiple datacenters spread across the globe, we don't have millions of servers automatically racked by creepy robots on demand, and we aren't a good fit for applications that need to scale dynamically at random times.

You can get those things from plenty of other companies already, and if that's what you need, you should.

What we offer are hand-built solutions designed to serve a particular niche exceptionally well.

Fast, Stable, Responsive

Contrary to the hyperscale clouds, ADTAQ actually is looking to provide the best value to our customers. Are we light on features compared to a hyperscale cloud? Of course, but if you don't need those features we can save you a lot of money.

If a VPS that is on a very fast premium network in an extremely stable datacenter with real English speaking humans that reply to your support requests 24/7 is what you are looking for, you should give ADTAQ a try.

Customers Think ADTAQ is Pretty Great


Our VPS plans get you the best bang for the buck. How does two terabytes of disk at $20/month sound?


We operate our own network which means we have full control over which carriers deliver your bandwidth. Every VPS has a Full 2.5 Gig connection and we don't oversell our network.


Need to upgrade your VPS? Want a fresh install? Between our slick Virtfusion Control Panel and Support Team we've got you covered.